Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama urges school children 'to serve the president'

Yet again, as in almost every time he sullies this blog, PROPAGANDIST and PHONY JOURNALIST, Rush Limbaugh, with no sources, SIMPLY FABRICATES a COMPLETE LIE.

The speech by President Obama asked children to think how they could suggest ideas that might "help the president." Obama used almost the exact same wording as Bush did in 1991, as several REAL news stations showed in video clips over the weekend (obviously not Faux Noise).

Rush LIES and says Obama called on children to "serve" the president. NO SUCH STATEMENT OCCURS IN THE SPEECH.

UNLIKE PHONY PROPAGANDIST Rush, who NEVER provides sources (like REAL journalists do) here is the actual complete text of Obama's school speech:


Find it, Rush. FIND IT.
Find where he says the words "serve the president" that YOU MADE UP.

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