Sunday, September 20, 2009

At least US has SPEEDY health care, you have to wait in other countries

So we have speedy health care we have in this country. There just might be just a little wait, but not as long as those Germans or Canadians do!

No offense, but your insurance, Rush, actually did pretty well for turning your "case" around in "just" 7 weeks and 11 total.

In our case my husband went 12 weeks after the MRI, during which time the tumor went from the size of an olive to a softball. Fast growing sucker wrapped around bone, too, MRI didn't show surgeon that because, well, it was taken at olive sized.

I, too, have had a tumor. As I indicated in my post I waited 7 weeks from diagnosis to surgery to have my cancerous tumor removed. Like Rush I had very good insurance, Blue Cross PPO (now Anthem).

But, jeepers ya think we expect a little too much from the 37th best health care system in the world, paying 9,000 a year in premiums, another 4,000 in co-pays and BTW its going up this year, and think we should have gotten care faster?

We could be seen as ungrateful, unappreciative, rich people expecting the system to work faster, better, more efficiently for our our health care dollars! We're the lucky few WITH insurance!

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