Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bush's PDB did not say anything about flying planes into buildings

Sorry, Rush, it is YOU who is caught in your LIES and your repeated DISTORTION.

Again, pardon me for being able to CONNECT THE DOTS that YOU and your FAILED PREZ failed to connect.
What is that, just a conservative thingy?

Pardon me for seeing the words “HIJACK” “New York” “surveillance of buildings” and thinking that someone might imagine the POSSIBILITY of hijacked planes being flown into buildings just because it didn’t actually use the word “airplane”?
Are conservatives really THAT STUPID?

I STAND BY MY INTERPRETATION that this raised the POSSIBILITY (not the prediction, but the POSSIBILITY) of flying planes into buildings in New York.

But here is where YOU LIED, Rush:
Look at how you distort what I said!
You claimed I said that “the PDB said that airplanes were going to fly into bldgs.”
The exact words you put in my keyboard: “AIRPLANES WERE GOING TO FLY INTO BLDGS.”


I did not say they “WILL” or “were going to” fly into buildings, YOU changed “could” happen into “WERE GOING TO” happen. YOU CHANGED WHAT I SAID!

You took my ACCURATE statement that they “COULD” (meaning possibility) and changed it to “WERE GOING TO.”

You know, it is kind of annoying to be scolded for an inaccurate statement by someone who ignored what I actually said, WHICH WAS ACCURATE, and changed it into something not accurate, and then scolded me for being inaccurate based on the false statement HE FABRICATED and then attributed to me.

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