Friday, September 18, 2009

Kooky czar says birth control could combat climate change

Rush asserts: "Now see, this is the kind of half-baked stuff I'd expect from a kooky science czar. Birth control could help combat climate change." He provides the following link:

Is this what he is reduced to?

In any case, the point does have some validity: if women don’t want to get pregnant, why not help them to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies through birth control, to prevent human overpopulation that harms both the climate and the environment.

And Rush doesn’t like this?

He would rather see more ABORTIONS instead of BIRTH CONTROL?

Sorry, but Democrats know that, while we will always need ambulances at the bottom of the cliff (reactive cleanup measures), the most cost-effective measures are PROACTIVE (preventive) rather than REACTIVE.

No wonder Rush-style conservatives always end up with DEFICITS.

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