Friday, September 18, 2009

Brazil and other countries are still drilling for oil


The rant by Rush cites the ultraconservative Heritage Foundation and concludes that promoting renewable energy amounts to favoring: “favor costly, inefficient, and unproven renewable energy.”

It is just this kind of small-minded, narrow thinking inside the paper bag that is causing the U.S. to fall behind other nations, including Germany (which produces half of all solar power), who are using technologies and systems invented in the United States, but in which they are far ahead in deployment because of systemic incentives create to encourage broader implementation.

I would suggest that Rush read the details in the most recent column from Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, which can be found online at:
Then click on OPINION, Thomas Friedman, and his most recent column, titled “Have a Nice Day.”

I can’t provide the actual complete link because it contains the now-forbidden ampersand.

The article is also reprinted on the opinion pages of this morning’s San Diego Union-Tribune.

Contrary to the myths and lies promoted by the pushers of our addiction to non-renewable FINITE FILTHY FOSSIL FUELS, renewable energy is feasible NOW.
And when all long-range ancillary and consequential costs are included, renewable sources are far more cost-effective than the special interests to which Rush seems so beholden.


Rush, your little litany is deceptive by omission, by failing to include the points about the extent to which China and especially Germany are outpacing us in the development of renewable energies which, contrary to your implication, they seem to be quite cost-effective.

The Friedman piece noted that half of all solar power is produced in Germany alone, simply because they allow incentives that make it attractive.

The world’s largest solar facility is being built in China, which is retreating from its failed policy of primarily relying on fossil fuels because of the undesirable pollution outcomes.

The technology was invented here but it is other countries that are winning the race for clean energy and, thanks to the Reagan/Bush failures, we are once again playing catchup.

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