Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bush did everything anyone could have to prevent 9/11

Ooopsie, Rush. (echoed by the pathetic, childish name calling of Glenn Beck) is back to telling his pathetic half-truths.

Yeppers, Rush, the 8/6 PDB was never so meticulous at to state the date or time of airplanes flying into buildings.
It warned that Bin Laden was preparing to attack inside the U.S.
Bush did nothing.
It warned that prominent buildings in New York were being surveiled by terrorists.
Bush did nothing.
It warned that some had warned of possible hijackings.
Bush did nothing.

Condoleezza Rice later stated in May 2002 (recounted in a 9-25-02 PBS interview):
“I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile.”

FBI agent Coleen Rowley specifically warned of terrorists taking flight lessons.
Bush did nothing.

FBI undercover informant Elie Assad, having infiltrated Al Qaeda cells, pointed to Mohammad Atta as a terrorist to trail, but was diverted to insignificant “wannabee” terrorists over his objection and

Sorry, Rushbo, but just because PDB didn’t predict the specific flight numbers, passenger manifests or other details, does not change the fact that everything points to Bush’s reckless disregard of warnings that ALLOWED 9/11 TO HAPPEN, unlike Clinton and Obama who intercepted and blocked terror attacks.

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