Friday, September 18, 2009

Abuse of the 9/12ers

I have just watched a video at of the 9/12 ‘freakshow’as Crook and Liars website call the 9/12 Washington DC crowd. I do not think it is a fair description.

I have just watched it and I agree the folks who were interviewed did not seem very bright and some did not seem to be a bit mentally ‘touched’, however I am not sure they are freaks. I think they are basically good but simple folks who want the best for their country and for themselves. One woman said she had come to Washington DC so she could tell her grandchildren what she had done while the country was ‘being lost’

What motivated that woman and so many others at the 9/12 spectacle to come is a kind of abuse. To whip good but simple folks up into emotional lather so that they leave their homes and travel great distances, yet they know not why, is wrong.

We have laws against animal abuse, child abuse and elder abuse. We need legislation to prevent abuse of the mentally challenged. FOX and hate radio con-men get more money by purveying suspicion, fear and anger than by dispassionate discussion of calm and rational facts. Only though emotionalism can they get their listeners loyalty. Listener loyalty means big bucks. But there is something wrong with it, almost immoral, and I think it should be recognized as abuse and dealt with as abuse.

I have been in churches where the offerings were not enough to cover church expenses. I have heard church board members encourage the pastor to give more ‘powerful’ messages on Sunday in hopes that the extra emotion would mean more offerings. Strangely it did. The extra emotion even meant better attendance at services. Yet using this technique always felt a little slimy to me—not exactly an example of good Christian principles or morality. Doing the same on FOX not News in order to increase revenue is also immoral.

When the videographer at the 9/12 gathering gave the 9/12 ‘ers information about Reagan’s czars or Boy Bush’s 47 czars and when he told them czars had no executive power but were only advisors, the 9/12 ‘ers appreciated hearing what he said. Some said they had changed their minds.

We must have a new Fairness and Accuracy in the Media Doctrine to help folks like the 9/12ers. Otherwise we are letting the powerful hire silver tongued con-men who will mis-lead and lie for money and in the process abusing the good nature and good intentions of many good, but not terrible bright, Americans.

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