Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obama can never do anything right

I see that Obama and Ahmadinejab are heading to the UN. The question I have to ask here is: will Rush, Hannity, Beck and our local representative of these wise souls root for Obama or Ahmadinejab?

If Ahmadinejab makes an anti-Obama speech at the General Assembly, will Rush, glenn Beck and Hannity cheer him on?

This Question is tongue in cheek, of course. We all know how all these fine Americans will react to the UN meetings.

No matter what Obama or Ahmadinejab say, the yahoos will criticize Obama for whatever he does.

I don't see why they even wait until the actual events transpire. Write your rants now, boys. Save time! Rush, Beck, Hannity: give us your take on it now.

Why wait for the facts? The conclusions are already in, right?

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