Friday, September 11, 2009

Reid called Bush a liar

Rush said that "Harry Reid called GWB a liar and a loser. He never apologized despite breaking the senate's rules and decorum."

No Rush you are wrong. You our self-proclaimed journalist par excellence needs to acquaint yourself with the facts. I refer him to an article by David Goldstein of McClatchy newspapers which appeared on September 10, 2009:

"In 2002 Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, now the senate majority leader, called Bush a 'liar' in a dispute over moving nuclear waste to his state's Yucca Mountain.

"That was at a news conference...."

Reid again called Bush a liar on MEET THE PRESS, December 5, 2004.

Reid did not shout out from the floor of the house of representatives that Bush was a liar, while Bush was addressing a joint session of congress.

I refer you Rush also to Mike Allen's article, "Reid Calls Bush a 'Loser,'" which appeared in THE WASHINGTON POST on May 7, 2005:

"Reid made the remark while discussing the filibuster issue with 60 Del Sol High School juniors according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal's web site."

Reid called Bush a loser before a group of students in Las Vegas. He did not call Bush a loser on the floor of the House of Representatives while Bush was addressing a joint session of Congress.

Reid subsequently apologized for calling Bush a loser while the president was visiting Latvia, understanding that name-calling our head of state while he is abroad is inappropriate.
It's kind of similar to the conservatives' favorite democrat, Charlie Rangel, excoriating Hugo Chavez for comparing Bush to the devil at a U.N. General Assembly. The behavior was inappropriate.

Harry Reid in calling Bush a liar and loser outside the Senate violated no Senate rule or decorum. He did recognize that as Senate Minority leader, calling the president of the United States "a loser" while he is on a diplomatic mission is inappropriate. and Reid apologized.

Joe Wilson shouted, 'YOU LIE!" to President Obama from the floor of the House of Representatives while the president was addressing a joint session of Congress.

I hope, Rush, that the distinction in conduct between Reid and Wilson is not too subtle for you to grasp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gee, Wilson spoke the Thruth and the Dems can't handle it!