Friday, February 26, 2010

Obama won't consider Republican health reform ideas

The propaganda of Rush Limbaugh, FOX not News, Glenn Beck et. al. that Obama is too arrogant (code for uppity) to listen to Republicans (code for white men)is brillantly refuted in the post. This excellent reply to the lies was written by blogger Ms M in the Letters to the Editor comment section of the North County Times, Friday February 26, 2010.

Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform
Senate Dems adopted 161 amendments and key GOP planks while soft-pedaling the public option. That's not compromise?
By Ethan Sherwood Strauss

The six Republican ideas already in the health-care reform bill

Garrett ignores GOP influence in current health care legislation to say Obama will "start" incorporating GOP ideas

Are the GOP's Ideas on Health Care Reform Any Good?

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