Sunday, February 7, 2010

Segregations were all democrats, that is where the racism is

It's no secret that the New Deal depended upon segregationist Democrats. Eleanor tried to push Franklin toward working on civil rights issues. Franklin had to explain to her that he could not achieve his economic policies without the help of segregationist democrats who opposed civil rights.

I think Democrats have been much more honest about unsavory aspects of their past than the republicans. democrats don't deny distasteful aspects of their past--Hugo Black, Harry Truman, and Robert Byrd all admitted to their brief fling with the KKK, and expressed their profound regret and sadness for having been affiliated with it.

I don't read many republicans indicating much embarrassment over Nixon's southern strategy, which openly played upon the anger of white democrats who opposed the civil rights legislation of the 1960s. and it succeeded.

Just look at former Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott: a few years ago, right at the beginning of the 21st century, he remarked at Strom Shurmond's 100th birthday party that the country would have been better off if it had followed Mississippi's lead and voted for Thurmond for president in 1948. Thurmond's main campaign plank, and the platform for Dixiecrats in general, was segregation.

So as recently as a couple of years ago the Republican Majority Leader of the United States Senate espoused segregation.

I'm happy that the segregationists have left the democratic party. The republicans are welcome to them.

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