Sunday, February 7, 2010

Obama is incompetent. He cannot get anything done.

You don’t seem to grasp the very simple concept that we have a PRESIDENT, NOT A DICTATOR.
Republicans continue to OBSTRUCT any reform, with more filibusters in ONE YEAR than all the Southern racists used in opposing civil rights during the entire 20 years of the 1950’s and 1960’s COMBINED.

Why would anyone ever trust those Republicans who broke our economic system (and obstruct those trying to undo the damage) to fix it?


The blog editor, con no more, would add. So interesting the cons want it both ways. They say, "Obama is a terrible socialist who is ramming his facist, socialist, communist agenda down America's throat" in one breath. In the next breath he should resign or be impeached because he is lazy and incompetent. Which argument do you want to go with my CONfused friends or aren't you folks troubled by internal inconsistency?

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