Thursday, March 25, 2010

Eric Cantor does not lie any more than Obama

Yeah, right.

Imagine if a non-Republican claimed that someone shot a bullet through their office window, telling the story to try to garner sympathy and make himself sound like a victim. Then, later it was found out that the bullet was a random bullet coming down with hardly any force. It could not have been aimed at his office. No one could shoot up into the air and have it land in a particular window hundreds of yards away. The bullet was an "accident" caused by some gun nut firing into the air.

Think how much ridicule Rush Limbaugh and the hired guns at FOX not News would heap on the poor unfortunate liar's head. But with the liar/exaggerator being a Republican, we all know from experience that FOX not News will either ignore Cantor's lie or try to explain it away.

Here is what USA Today said about the bullet, "A statement from the Richmond, Va., police department says a bullet broke the window of a meeting room in Cantor's office at about 1 a.m. Tuesday. "A preliminary investigation shows that a bullet was fired into the air and struck the window in a downward direction, landing on the floor about a foot from the window," the police statement says. "The round struck with enough force to break the windowpane but did not penetrate the window blinds.""

So far Obama has not lied once. There are no government death panels, only private insurance death panels. There is no coverage for undocumented workers. There will be no government funds for abortions. All those lies came from FOX not News, King Limbaugh and the mental case, Glenn Beck.

Say when is the Kool-Aid crew going to chip in for a mental health intervention for Beck?

My son* is no longer threatened with death by you serial sociopaths that support the lies of FOX, Limbaugh and Beck. My son can no longer be cut off by my wife's insurance when he reaches the arbitrary annual cap or life time cap on medical coverage. These caps put in place by Private Insurance Death Panels.

All hail Obama and Rahm. Life savers. Thank God for the courageous in Congress. They will lose in November because lies stick in the heads of the Kool aid crew better than facts. But those Democrats did what no Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has done, they stuck to their principles of helping ordinary Americans, damn the professional cost.

* My youngest child and second son is 27 years old and suffers from psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and worst of all ankylosing spondylitis. His first symptoms were as a twenty year old senior in college. Without costly medication, the AS freezes up his rib cage suffocating him. Twice his mother and I have sat by his bedside watching him all night long expecting every breath to be his last. Remicade saved his life when Enbrel and Humira could not.

The Remicade is VERY expensive. Out of pocket expenses for his care cost my wife and I around $10,000 a year.

I am disabled with a related immune disorder. I was forced to take a disability retirement after twenty five years in the public school system. My various jobs were as a custodian, bus driver, classroom teacher (math,algebra, bilingual math, science, US history and self contained), driver training instructor and superintendent of a tiny school district. I have six California credentials. I learned to speak Spanish while taking classes at night and teaching 6th grade during the day time.

My wife and I have lived under constant fear that we will lose her insurance and that we will not be able to afford the medication needed to keep my son alive since he almost died in the summer of 2007. Three years previous to his diagnosis I was forced from the classroom by my related immune disorder. My disease progression is much slower than my son's so I can take care of him while my wife is in the classroom teaching.

My monthly retirement check is $2100.

As a public school teacher in California of the wrong age, I have no medical insurance from my district nor do I qualify for Medicare. I cannot provide enough money for my son's meds if my wife's medical insurance is taken away nor can I provide health insurance for him as I was given none for my service.

My son and I are two of the disposable people that the folks, who acquired Selfish Con Disorder from Limbaugh and FOXnotNews, think should just go sit in a corner and die because they do not want to pay for our insurance.

Having a guarantee that our son will be covered is very nice. We thought we would have to move to Canada where my father in law's family is from if my wife lost coverage. We would sell everything and move, so my son could still get the medication he needs to live. Now we do not need to.

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