Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scientist email prove they are all liars

It was from E-MAILs written by a few European scientist on one university's email system.
The email was not peer-reviewed science.
The ideas in the emails were rejected.

Oh, and NONE of the few discredited e-mails - which had no effect on the broad spectrum of scientific consensus - ever made it past peer review or had the slightest effect on the broad base of data used, most of which comes from American facilities such as NASA and NOAA which were not even involved.

But, anyway, what are cons trying to claim?
That because a few drops spill from one bucket that no bucket is capable of holding any water?

In fact, all cons do is discredit your own anti-science statements.
Any time anyone misrepresents sources, distorts facts and repeats trivial nonsense from unpublished sources that doesn’t even mean anything, they only discredit themselves.

Only the victims or perpetrators of Big Oil propaganda could hold such anti-science views.

I repeat, no matter how many times the CONfused repeat the same unverified propaganda, it does not alter the FACT that the EMAILS the CONfused quote from did NOT make it into peer-reviewed data, did NOT come from within the United States (from where the best and most data originates) and did NOT address ANY of the core scientific conclusions you are so desperate to misrepresent.

This information thanks to blogger, Emerald--North County Times-Lttrs to Ed.

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