Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Con Men on AM Radio and FOX Always tell the Truth

What is it with these conservatives who have such a need to brag about their affinity for “TRUTH” when they are so far from it - kind of like the guy who has to hang out a sign to convince customers he’s honest - “Honest Joe’s Used Cars.”

Do you still in the Cult of the Con understand that government is NOT A BUSINESS?

It is not a “profit center”?

Do you understand that the Post Office is a public service which charges fees to offset costs, but delivers to EVERY SINGLE ADDRESS in the U.S. for just a few cents? FedEx and UPS won’t do that, just like for-profit health care won’t cover certain people.

The DMV is charged with issuing driver’s licenses and registrations to a state of more than 30 million. Yes, you wait your turn unless you want to pay higher taxes for more clerks.
They get the job done.

Better than I can say for corporate bureaucrats who deny coverage retroactively! (Think rescissions for those who are stupid enough to get catastrophically ill in the United States and actually expect their medical insurance to pay for their treatments.

Would you buy a used cars from these propagandists like Limbaugh, Beck and other hired gun liars on FOX?

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