Monday, September 21, 2009

Liberals play the race card when they have nothing else

Rush, is there any mention of race that is not "playing the race card", in your opinion.

I think not.

I think when you say "stop playing the race card" what you really mean is "no one should talk about race in America".

Sorry. When I see signs with Obama stereotyped as a Sambo or when I hear a Southern Representative who is a "son of confederate general" shout out "you lie" despite the rules that prohibit this, I say, "racists are there".

Is stating a simple opinion, explained by the facts that lead me to this opinion, "playing the race card"?

I have no idea what you are accusing me of other than saying "racism exists"...and you think that saying this is somehow wrong.

Well, sorry Rush. It is what it is.

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