Friday, September 18, 2009

Rush ONLY speaks THE TRUTH, Obama wants to insure illegals

Rush said: Looks like Obama is going for broke now. He said, in so many words, that we can give health care to illegals by making them legal. He will have to run that through the congressional budget office to get a shiny new price tag for the deal.

Of course you are “paraphrasing,” Rush.
Of course you can’t provide the actual link or source of the actual statement.

Because you are a complete LIAR and you cannot restate his meaning honestly.
Cite the link, Rush, or admit you can’t.

You have a long, long, well-documented history of misrepresenting your own sources and other people you cite, taking their words out of context, “editing” the words selectively to often make them seem to say the OPPOSITE of what they actually said.

So if you can’t back it up, Rush, we know exactly why you can’t.

Every time a conservative has to make a “point” by lying, they are admitting that even they know that they cannot win any debate if they honestly engage on issues.

Even they are admitting that even they know that

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