Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rush prove that Obama promotes euthanasia

Hey Rush, I challenge you to find a single Democratic Party official spokesperson or Obama administration official who promotes euthanasia.

By citing one obscure intellecutal repudiated by even the most liberal pro-choicers such as myself, with NO connection to the Democratic Party or Obama administration, or people who do NOT support eugenics or euthanasia.

You are CONCEDING aren't you, Rush?

If not, please cite a specific reference in which John Holdren, an AEROSPACE ENGINEER, has endorsed eugenics or euthanasia. Source, Rush. Source. Specific link.

Similarly, Ezekiel Rahm? Did you mean Ezekiel Emanuel, older BROTHER of Rahm?

Again, no connection to the Obama administration.

He is an ONCOLOGIST (CANCER specialist).

Again, cite his official title in the Obama administration and a specific source where he endorsed euthanasia.

A conservative would never OUTRIGHT LIE, would he?

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