Sunday, September 13, 2009

Republicans are not Nazis

I am certainly NOT saying that the GOP's right is a Nazi party.

I don't think they are organized on the basis of race (though as I've said, they certainly are attractive to old-fashioned racists), nor are they, despite their anger, that violent.

I only feel reminded and worried of the trend or the tendencies.

What happens is up to each of us, and we are still free Americans with a heritage to live up to, and choices. Including choices of who to listen to and believe.

For me, if I noticed that I was feeling rageful when I watched or listened to someone, I'd take that as a clue that my emotions are being manipulated.

I'd stand back at that point and think, with the radio or TV off, about what I was being told. And about who and what is profiting from my rage.

Just an idea.

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