Sunday, September 13, 2009

It can happen here

It's very weird to see such denial that these things exist, and to see counter-attacks that it's white men who are the most victimized by discriminatory racism.

When we take a breath and step back, this charge shows us everything about the extreme right in America today. The hostility, the dishonesty, the 'say anything' mentality, the sense of being owed the top dog position. That so many can say these things or believe them is truly frightening to anyone who has any experience with a mob-frenzied, extremist society.

We've seen whole societies turn evil and support unspeakable acts, all normal, everyday 'patriots' worked into a raging froth by manipulative geniuses.

It can happen, folks. Right here.

Do you think the Germans in the 30s were walking around saying to themselves, "Well, haven't we become evil nazi supporters? Isn't it awful?" No, they just opened their bakeries and participated in angry meetings with neighbors, and listened to their radios as they were told that their fears and resentments were all the fault of those people, and that they shouldn't take it any more.

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