Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Glenn Beck is NOT an idiot or mentally unbalanced

If anyone needs irrefutable proof that Glenn Beck is an idiot, and a mentally unbalanced one at that, watch this.

Idiot Beck repeats "have you no shame?" for those who call him another McCarthy. In the Army-McCarthy hearings it was Joseph Welch, council for the Army, who said "sir, have you no shame?" to Joseph McCarthy, a drunk and a bully, whom Beck seems to admire.

Beck implies Edward R. Murrow supported McCarthy. Beck, with his extraordinary ignorance of history , doesn't even know that it was Edward R. Murrow who helped expose the outrages of McCarthy in his famous CBS telecast of March 9, 1954.

Earth to Beck, Earth to Beck, Murrow hated McCarthy and everything he stood for and would have hated everything you stand for too.

This is yet another example of why Beck's audience consists of halfwits.

Welcome to the United States of Stupid.
Reply to the above post:

Glenn Beck viewer Joe the Plumber said: "I viewed the video and came away with the impression that Beck was applauding Murrow for opposing McCarthy."

Joe, because Beck is so inarticulate in the video, I'll give your interpretation more than the benefit of a doubt. That, however, makes Beck crazier and highlights his ignorance of that period. Murrow was not a little man fighting a powerful autocrat. Murrow had great influence in his time and was probably the most respected journalist in the U.S since the beginning of WWII. But, it was not he who said "have you no shame," but Joseph Welch who famously said, during the Arm-McCarthy hearings, "sir, have you no shame."

This still shows Beck is mentally unbalanced, especially in comparing himself to Murrow. He should compare himself to Krusty the Klown.

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