Sunday, September 13, 2009

Van Jones was a racist who said whites are violent

Rush, please provide the exact statement from Van Jones in which he said that WHITE SKIN PREDISPOSES a person to bring guns to a school and kill dozens, rather than noting a FACT that all of the infamous shootings at schools have been by white people.

Owing to your long history of recklessness with factual accuracy and outright fabrication of lies to support positions that could not be supported by truth, please also provide a verifiable source with which your claim can be verified.

But no you can't and Rush, you again dodge and misrepresent a point you are utterly unable to respond to, and proves you not only do not get it, you've got it BACKWARDS again!

Again, Van Jones did not say that white skin predisposes one to violence, which is what you LIED and said to him in your recent attempted character assassination.

Now you are backtracking and trying to save face, trying to cover your tracks, and still miss the point.

Jones was not making a racist statement, he was responding to those who do.

He was responding to the RACISTS who are always suggesting that blacks are so violent and all that crap, and saying, well, if that is true, how come ALL of the notorious school shootings have been done by whites?

See the point?
He is noting the wrongheadedness of the racists who make false allegations about blacks.

Only a racist would need to turn that around to the opposite of what he said.

Yes, indeed, you are too sick to be believed.

Which is why, after getting caught in LIES over and over,

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