Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama is appointing Czars to turn us socialist

The “czar” hypocrisy is beyond amazing!

And the only word to describe it is “comical” !

Nothing funnier than seeing the back-to-back clips of Sen Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) calling on Clinton to appoint more czars during the 1990s and in 2004 praising Bush for appointing “czars” (and yes, using that word), and then on the Senate floor yesterday railing against appointing “czars” by Obama as being a violation of the Constitution.

Get a grip, loonies!

A “czar” is just the slang term for the top person at the head of a federal bureau.
We have had them since the founding of the Republic.

See a 'crazy' Glenn Beck czar video at the following URL:

Guess how many czars the Boy Bush had in his administration? 47! Any complaints by cons about czars appointed by 'W"? More to the point were there any liberal complaints, let alone liberal hysterics like the cons are doing now?

This is just more whiny griping from sore losers who want to “take back” government just because they got outvoted.

Their way would be called a coup.

Calling to “take back our country” because you lose an election that you couldn't steal is TREASON.

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