Sunday, September 13, 2009

Joe Wilson is not a racist because he criticized Rush

Rush I said that the anti-Obama movement surely is attracting all the white racists.

Recently I learned that Joe Wilson, the South Carolina Congressman who yelled "You lie!" at Obama was a member of the Sons of Confederate Generals and also campaigned to keep the Confederate flag waving at the SC capitol.

I know that nowadays, among the yahoos, one almost cannot 'prove' racist attitudes unless someone (like Glenn Beck has) just vomits the evidence non-stop. But I'd submit that a man who fights to have the flag of the slave states flying has provided that evidence.

I hear there are t-shirts and bumper stickers that say "you lie!".
If you're thinking of displaying such, remember that a lot of us are seeing the flag of the confederacy in your proud hand as a display or racism.

Rush, I most certainly do NOT believe that criticizing Obama implies racism by any means.

I have lots of things that I criticize Obama about.

But when someone from South Carolina who insists on waving the flag of the Confederacy loses control of himself and his rage and breaks the Congressional rules of decorum by yelling "you lie!" at a Black President (who was not even lying at the time), yes, I'll call that racist.

Of course this is unprovable one way or the other, but at least I've given my reasons why I think so.

If you think Wilson is wonderful for his outburst, so shall you be judged and it'll be up to you to show why anyone shouldn't think the same of you.

Is this unreasonable of me? Maybe: show me how...

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