Sunday, September 13, 2009

If Al Gore had been president he would have done what Bush did

Hey Rush. - no, hypotheticals do always include a certain level of speculation.
But they can also reflect a certain degree of probability based on what we DO know.

Vice President Al Gore was one of the most hands-on, involved Vice Presidents in history, well, before Dick Cheney did him one better by actually running the presidency for several years (from his undisclosed location).

Al Gore was actively involved in the formulation and implementation of many of Clinton’s policies that KEPT US SAFE.

It is absolutely absurd to believe that IF A PRESIDENT AL GORE HAD TAKEN HIS RIGHTFUL POSITION, he would have disregarded all the policies and data HE HELPED COMPILE, and disregarded all the specific warnings that idiot Bush simply missed.

It is further absurd to believe that Environmentalist Gore would have abandoned the real war against the real terrorists and diverted most of our military resources to Iraq to get their oil, as oilmen Bush and Cheney did.

Sorry, but it is more than 20/20 hindsight.

While there is nothing certain, ever, in “what if’s” about “the path not taken,” I’m saying this is a pretty reasonable postulation.

Not everyone would have been as ignorant, incompetent, greedy and complicit as Bush, who let 9/11 happen through incompetence or otherwise and then diverted resources away from the real terrorists.

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