Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Glenn Beck's viewers are not stupid. We believe in BECK!!

Here is even more proof of the gullibility of Beck's halfwit viewers believing anything he says,

Glenn Beck used this video from a D. C. traffic cam to prove that the 912 march consisted of 1-2 million participants and said the video represents a period of 3-1/2 hours. This means the crowd is moving at a snail's pace (well, maybe a turtle's pace) because it would mean it took 3-1/2 hours for the head of the crowd to reach the Capitol Building. If they walked at a pace of one mile an hour it took them a full hour to walk that mile. More likely they marched at about two miles an hour, which would make this video represent 1/2 hours of time.

Watch the rooftop in the foreground. You'll see people moving rapidly. If this represented 3-1/2 hours, you wouldn't see people on the rooftop at all. They wouldn't even be a blur.

Welcome to the United States of Stupid.

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