Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dems never want to compromise

Rush said: "Purist Progressives say they don't want compromise, they want results. Not getting their way, brings out the real authoritarian nature in them, no doubt."

Question for you, Rush, how do you sit down and have a conversation, let alone compromise, with someone who is from the party of NO!

You guys are just too funny. You have such short memories. Why don't you tell us how unfair the dems are being - compared to how the cons compromised and included them?

I remember when the dems wanted to hold a hearing they were put in the basement. I remember a vote on the floor when the "nays" won and the repubs. said the opposite and ended the vote not allowing a protest.

Tell me about all the compromise that was previously done. I will bet the farm that President Obama has attempted to cross the aisle more often than did the previous president.

You guys are a joke!

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