Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Conservatives are never in favor of taxes

Next a question for my conned friends, why don't Rush, Beck and the other corporate mouth pieces ever do a story on rescisssions, bonuses for denial of coverage, or the immorality of fiduciary responsibility as applied in American corporate law?

Each of these concepts cost American taxpayers billions of dollars each year? These are back door taxes. They are even more costly than government taxes but with no public benefit.

The taxes we pay to government at least provide some public benefit--how much can be debated. But Back Door taxes provide NOTHING for the good of the public. Yet we pay them without complaint and Rush, the hero of the ordinary American, remains strangely silent about them. Why?

So where is FOX with Back Door Tax Freedom Day? You know the day that the American worker has paid all his or her back door taxes to multinational and American corporations--those back door taxes that provide profit for corporations and obscene multi million dollar CEO salaries without helping ordinary Americans in any way at all.

I bet this day does not come until September or October each year. Come on Limbaugh, come on FOX let's figure out this day and publicize it.

Gee I wonder why you guys don't? Is it because your salaries depend on you NOT telling us about corporate rip offs?

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