Sunday, September 13, 2009

Liberals never condemn liberals for racism

I have no hesitation whatsoever to condemn in no uncertain terms liberal racists.

I condemn Louis Farrakhan and his predecessor Elijah Muhammad.

I condemn the EARLY pro-violence writings of Malcolm X, before his pilgrimage to Mecca, where he saw the real world of actual Islam with no regard for race, came back, changed his views and ended up getting murdered for it. I applaud him for being willing to change his views later.

I also condemn white racism among liberals in the form of tokenism and two-facedness, those who talk about all the black or Latino friends they have, but would not hire them or want their daughter to date/marry one.

However, as much as I condemn real racism, I also condemn those who manufacture it in their pursuit of name calling and character assassination.

I’m sure there are also other liberal racists and, with appropriate reminders and/or evidence, I will condemn them too
But Van Jones and Rev Wright, despite their imperfections, are not those examples.

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