Friday, October 2, 2009

Iraq had to be invaded by Bush because it was a threat, just like Iran is now.

Rush, your analogy between Iraq and Iran is comical.

You might remember that Bush's Iraq had no WMDs, practically no army, had a dictator who had been rendered impotent, was being inspected by UN (and our) people.

You forget that the things we heard during the runup to the Iraq invasion were all untrue. That's, um, a rather significant difference between the two, wouldn't you say?

I posted recently that I was very disturbed by Iran's missiles and nuclear development and asked what people here thought we should do about this genuine possible threat. (I said that 'nuke em all' or other juvenile 'answers' were not welcome...only grown ups)

No one posted a thing. But now I see that Obama HAS forced Ahmadinejab to bend.

I guess there are those who will insist that the only response is to send hundreds of thousands of our troops and bombers to slaughter the Iranian people (Ahmadinejab's victims).

For the rest of us, it seems like Obama and our allies are doing a fine job on this very difficult front.

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