Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ha, Ha, Obama couldn't get the Olympics, he is a bust

The anti-Obama insanity is so extreme that now our not getting the Olympics is painted as a dismal failure of Obama's, a crash of his ego, as the truth being out about the so-called Messiah.

Seriously, folks, you are the inventors of both sides of your little debate.

It was you guys on the right and only the right that magnified Obama to super-human proportions just so it could use this phony image sarcastically against Obama supporters. You won't find that image on the left.

To us he reprented hope and change, but not miracles, not a Messiah (although any random American, even Sarah Palin, would look like a Messiah after Bush).

It was you guys on the right that said, sarcastically, 'they think Obama can walk on water', and then, when he didn't, they said, 'So how's your water-walker doing?'

Don't you see? It's all bull.

You all should spend more time considering that we on the left speak for our personal views. We do not repeat the latest Rush or Hannity talking points. You'd sound a whole lot less foolish if you would craft your own views instead of having your opinions crafted for you by your 'dear leaders'.

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