Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hate filled "christians"

Dear Ms. Parker
I have read many of your "editorials" where you unquestioningly printed the lies and cons of those who call themselves conservative and Christian. In my view those people were neither.

Yesterday patriotic Americans who support the principles in our Constitution repudiated those who claim to love Christ but seem far more to be hate filled then Christ centered. Today you have decided to publish a column saying you have been uncomfortable with them all along.

Sure would have been nice if you decided to be an American patriot first and an obsequious republic-CON second, before the results of this election came in. Your conversion now seems a bit forced.

The hate filled “christians” demand, contrary to all physical evidence, that the earth and God is only six thousand years old and all public school teachers and politicians must accept their delusions.

If we do not, we are pillared in our communities. Our neighbors and friends are told we are perverts because we expose our students to evidence that the earth may be a bit older. (for instance six million annual layers of sediment, varves, found in one cliff in the Green River Valley of Utah, or a half million annual layers of snow deposited on Antarctica plains.

I was called a pervert not for any sexual impropriety with any dog, man, boy or whatever but simply because I knew why the scientific community thought the world was old and I told others what I knew.

So if God left six million layers of yearly sediments in a cliff that exactly match the same kind annual sediments laid down in lakes today, is he a trickster or a liar?

If a person can cut into a glacier in Greenland or the Antarctica and count back hundreds of thousands of annual snow layers starting with the one laid down last year and finishing with those laid down 500 thousand years ago, does claiming the earth is six thousand years old make the Bible wrong or your eyes wrong?

Could it be neither? Maybe it is just your interpretation of Genesis that is wrong? Ask that question to the new Christian mobs now running our churches and you are told you cannot be a real Christian if you bring up such information.

After twenty years as a Sunday School teacher and Christian Scouting director, I was driven from my church because of what I taught in my public school science classroom. In the Sunday School classroom, I taught only what was in the Sunday School literature and teacher’s manual. What I taught in Sunday School did not matter. All that mattered was what I taught in my public school classroom.

Because of that teaching, I was no longer a real Christian. I exposed my seventh and eighth grade public school students to the overwhelming physical evidence of the old age of the earth. How evil! I also exposed those students to the evidence that natural selection drives change in life on earth. My personal religious view (that I never shared with any student at public school or Sunday School) is that we are seeing God’s creative force when we see natural selection. This view made me even more evil. Beyond hope evil.

It used to be that we, Protestants, had an ethic called the "priesthood of the individual". Each person of good character was encouraged to read the Bible for themselves and come to their own conclusions especially about the beginning and ending of the Bible. Good people could come to differing views and still be good Christians.

But no more, the hate filled, the Christians who know everything even what cannot be known, these are the “christians” who now fill our churches and run the Republican party. They are the ones who are absolutely certain of what they believe even if what they believe is not written in the Bible. Their beliefs can be based on a popular novel series (Left Behind) without any basis in the historic beliefs of the church. These are the Christians who now control our churches the Republican party. They are not the Christians of my childhood. To paraphrase an ad for Oldmobile, they are not my Father’s Christians.

The first RINO hunts were done in the churches long before these hate filled, uncompassionate monsters took the Republican party and started conducting their hunts in the party as well.

As long as the Republican party is run by people who "know everything" before they ever look at facts we will continue to get the likes of Bush and his cronies who knew in their gut what was right for Iraq, but never did any book learning to see it their gut was correct.

The party deserves the defeat it was dealt yesterday.

I am the fifth generation Republican in my family. My great grandparents and their in laws ran the last house on the Underground Railroad in Ashtabula Ohio. John Brown was a house guest as was Ben Wade and Joshua Giddings. My family helped found the Republican Party in the mid west.

I remain a registered Republican because of family history but it will be a long time before I vote that way again.


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