Saturday, May 8, 2010

Obama needs to show his birth certificate--the long form!

The following answer to our birther friends by Emerald 5 8 2010 North County Times

On the outside chance someone might actually take such wacko conspiracy theories seriously, here are THREE reasons Obama ain’t gonna beg you to believe him.

1. Your request has already been fulfilled.
A certified copy was posted in Hawaii, certified by the REPUBLICAN governor (Laura Lingle) and the Department of Health, and backed up by much other evidence including local birth announcements published in both major Honolulu newspapers way back at the time of Obama’s 1961 birth.

2. There is nothing that will convince the lunatic fringe who have already decided that there was a conspiracy all the way back in 1961 to fabricate a false birth record so that a BLACK BABY could be groomed for the presidency at a time when blacks weren’t even allowed vote in some parts of the country.

3. We don’t really want you to stop.
The loonier the wacko conspiracy theory extremists become, the more the general public is turned off by them.

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