Young Earth Creationists say that the earth is six to ten thousand years old based on the Bible. Recently they have claimed scientific evidence for this statement. Christians do not lie. Anyone who says that the evidence left on earth and in the heavens supports a earth of less than 4.55 billion years old or a universe of less than 13.6 billion years is a liar. Therefore he is not a Christian. His witness should not be believed by followers of Christ.
Young Earth Christianity should truly be called Little God Christianity. There “god” is only 6 to 10 thousand years old. The universe is measured by how far a beam of light travels in a year. A beam that travels only a few thousand years encompasses a very tiny area. The young earth “god” is a tiny “god” in charge of a miniscule universe compared to the Biblical God who is in charge of a 13.6 billion which is a massive area.
To get an idea of how tiny the “little god” universe is, think about holding a copper bee bee in your hand while standing on top of a very tall mountain. Look out from the top of the mountain and you can see the earth’s surface curving away from you at the horizon. If the 13.6 billion year old universe could be shrunk to the size of the earth, then the bee bee in your hand would be the size of the “little god”s” six to ten thousand year old universe. Which God would you rather worship?
Three great lies of young earth creationism
(1) You must interpret Genesis as they do or you are not a real Christian.
(2) They are using honest Christian principles in their attempts to explain the beginning of the universe, creation of the earth and its life forms.
(3) That they are worshipping the same God who created the universe
Once you accept any of those false premises you have fallen into their trap. They gain personal power, property or prestige from converting you into one of their disciples. For those of us who are male, much of life is trying to gain any one of those. Getting all three is a trifecta—way beyond most men’s ability to achieve. Liars for a “little god” feel very masculine and very holy. They are neither.
Their lying, dishonesty and misrepresentations of The Bible and of scientific literature gains the little god leaders great honors on earth but none in heaven.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
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