Thursday, May 6, 2010

Heritage Foundation proved that Fannie and Freddie forced by Democrats to loan to poor caused global financial meltdow

Response to Rush Limbaugh:
First, why do you think anyone would find biased conservative OPINION sites such as Heritage to be the slightest bit credible?

Second, no one minimizes the role of Freddie and Fannie, but all intelligent analysts put them in perspective relative to where they fit with other, more significant factors. You say, “For those of you who said....” PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. Who are you referring to? Which statements? Please provide the name, date, time and statement you are referring to, unless YOU JUST MADE IT UP.

Third, Freddie/Fannie were dramatically successful for decades and collapsed during the Bush years when Republicans controlled the Presidency as well as the House and Senate. Why do you consider this to be a bad reflection on the minority party that was OUT OF POWER?

The reality-reversal desperation level here is palpable.

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